Friday 2 December 2011

Drum roll.......

Ladies and Gentlemen brace yourselves for your first glimpse of the  wonder that is Gold Rush!

Our first ever movie poster....

Monday 21 November 2011

Today we reveal to you the final and completed version of the official Gold Rush logo.

Last week we pitched our idea of Gold Rush, the pitch went very well and we have been given the go ahead to begin producing the best animation you will ever see. So the hard work starts here.

Keep checking the blog as we will soon be revealing the teaser posters and trailer to introduce some of our characters over the next few weeks.

Thursday 3 November 2011


Good News!!
We have came up with a name and a thrilling storyline for our western animation!
I'm not going to tell you the storyline for obvious reasons but I can confirm the name of 2012's blockbuster, oscar winning animation is
.....(drum roll).....

After alot of research we have decided to not use clay models for our production. Niether John or myself have experience working with clay and we don't feel we would gain the quality we would like if we was to make the models ourselves. So we have decided to use toys as this will give us the quality we are looking for and its still original. We are still sticking with the stop motion technique to animate our production. The picture below is one of the models we will be using, this one will be our main character.

Also whilst doing our research we can across an amazing animator called Patrick Boivin, Boivin has made many short animation and the standard of quality is just outstanding. He has inspired us and motivated is a great deal when it comes down to the production.

Thats just some of his work that we thought was impressive to say the least.

J&J Media

I'm Jade and I will be keeping this blog  to keep you update with mine and John's (J&J Media's) progress with our latest project! Our first creation as a team is going to be a 10 minute short film. It was the first day of planning today we got straight into brainstorming ideas, we immediately decided that we wanted to do an animation, for a number of reasons;
1) When casting only looking for the right voice rather than a list of things.
2) Don't have to spend any of our budget on actors or use untrained actors ending in poor results.
3) Gives us more scope to be creative as we can do things you can't do for real e.g. personify inanimate
Then it was on to how we will animate as there are many different kinds of animation;

Cel-Shaded Animation

Clay Animation (Claymation)

Computer Animation

Regular Animation

We decided to go for claymation but are yet to still make the decision on whether to use stop motion or a programme called puppet tool on which you can take stills of puppets and use pin points make them move. John and I choose claymation as it has an authentic look and is more 3D than regular animation, also by moulding the clay you can make any shape, object or facial expression you like! 

We also spoke about genre, we wanted to pick a genre in which the stereotypes and characteristics are so specific so that we could use them to our advantage and play about with them, we decided on the western genre as it has so many icons and themes, it gives us so much to work with. 

And that was as far as we got! I'll leave you with this claymation clip, enjoy!